Cheryl Lawler
Board Certified/Graduate in Clinical Psychoanalysis/Dean/Published Author/Counselor/Psychotherapist
Graduate in Clinical Psychoanalysis, St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, St. Louis, MO-November 2001
Certificate in Advanced Psychodynamic Psychotherapy St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, St. Louis, MO- completed 1993
MSW Washington University, St. Louis, MO - 1984
BA St. Louis Univeristy, St. Louis, MO - 1977

Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, American Psychoanalytic Association, January, 2005
Board Certified in Clinical Psychoanalysis, American Psychoanalytic Association, January 2003
American Psychoanalytic Association, Member 1997
International Psychoanalytical Association, Member 1997
Advanced Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Alumni Organization 1993
Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1990
Lynch-Lawler, C. (2020). A(M)other Logic (of Love): Languaging the Corporeal Culture of Placental/Chimeric/Maternal Relations in Gender and Women's Studies 3(1):1.
Lynch-Lawler, Cheryl (2020). The Re-Enchanted Garden: Participatory Sentience and Human Subjective Becoming in "Third-Space" in Thinking Life With Irigaray: Language, Origin, Art, Love, ed. Gail Schwab. Albany NY: SUNY Press.
Lynch-Lawler, Cheryl (2019). Plato's Creative Imagination: (Re)Membering the Chora(l) Love that We Are. Feminist Theology 28(1).
Lawler, Cheryl, (2020),"Psychoanalysis and Matricide: From Orestes to Oedipus,” Thinking With Irigaray ed. Mary C. Rawlinson, Sabrina L. Hom, and Serene J. Khader. Albany: SUNY Press.
University of Bergen, Bergen Norway | June 2013 | "The Re-Enchanted Garned: Becoming Human in the Digital Age"
St. Louis Jungian Society | August 2010 & September 2011 | "Themes of Sacrifice in the Psychoanalytic Process"
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute-Advanced Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Class | Spring 2010 | "Dream Theory"
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute-1st Year Candidates in Training | 2004 | "The Neuroses"
St. Louis Pschoanalytic Institute-4th Year Candidates in Training | 2003-2004 | "Feminist Psychoanalytic Theory"
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute | "Feminine Identity"
The Educational Center | Spring 2002 | "Irigaray and a New Language of the Divine"
Washington University-Graduate Seminar | Fall 2001 | "Winnicott on the Transitional Object"
Washington University-Graduate Seminar | Spring 2000 | "Lacan and the Signification of the Phallus"